Points To Consider Before Proceeding With A Clopay Garage Door Installation

by | Oct 7, 2016 | Garage Doors

There’s no doubt that the old garage door has to go. What remains is to determine what type of door will be installed. The contractor recommends going with a door made by Clopay. In fact, this approach does offer the client plenty of options. Here are some of the decisions that need to be made before moving forward with that Clopay Garage Door Installation.

Considering the Basic Design Elements

One of the first points to consider prior to the selection and Clopay Garage Door Installation is the door dimensions. Fortunately, it is possible to purchase short panel as well as long panel door designs. This makes it easy to find something that’s just right for smaller and larger garages.

There’s also the matter of deciding if windows need to be part of the door design. One approach is to go with a series of glass panels along the top of the door. Choosing this design means that natural light will get into the garage while the door is closed. It also helps to add more visual appeal to the door itself. Consumers can choose from clear, frosted, etched, or even stained glass for those panels.

How About the Hardware?

What type of hardware would work well with the garage design? It’s possible to choose from a wide range of handles, hinges, and clavos for the new door. Work with a professional to come up with a combination that helps the door to blend in with the garage design. Doing so will ensure that the door will look as if it has always been there.

Considering the Cost

How much can the customer afford to spend on the new door? While the focus is on installing a door that will provide excellent service in the years to come, take a good look at what the budget-priced models have to offer. They may include all the features that the client wants and make it easier to cover the cost of the purchase and installation.

Don’t keep dealing with that creaky old garage door. Visit website today and arrange to have a pro take a look. It won’t take long to find a design that’s just right and comes with a price that fits neatly into the budget. You can also follow them on Twitter for more information.